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The story of the Magic spoons . . .

The story of the Magic spoons . . .

Friday 1.9.15 I am finally back into the swing of things… back in the studio. My hands felt the very cold clay yesterday. {oh boy has it been so cold out!}  Since I am beginning to understand more about my process of creating, I was expecting that there...
Heart stories . . .

Heart stories . . .

My heart is telling me stories today. I am listening closely. I sit in a nice patch of sun on my porch wrapped in a woolly blanket as I write this. I have a warm cup of tea beside me and a kitty companion under the chair close by. I hear the chirping of the birds in...
Sandy, the uninvited house guest

Sandy, the uninvited house guest

I had intended to post in the beginning of the month, but then I got tied up with an uninvited house guest, Hurricane Sandy. She didn’t want to leave so quickly. 10.31.2012  3am I have been waiting for the words to come. I knew they...