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What you need to know about 2017

What you need to know about 2017

Gazing out my dining room window at the sunrise this morning. I am finally really sinking into this new year, and I must share. Things are going to be looking different around these parts…. It’s time for something new. It’s time for a metamorphosis...
Silent landing.

Silent landing.

The spring took hold of my heart hard and then tossed it onto summer without warning. I could feel it in mid air all summer long whooshing through the days, and moments hoping for a soft landing that never did arrive.  As I understand more and unfurl more, I believe I...
My long love affair…

My long love affair…

There has been a lot of small stuff to take in and be grateful for this month. In the beginning of the month, my husband gifted me a beautiful refurbished chair, that according to the upholsterer dates back to the 1920s. {Oh wow! Super cool, We both thought!}. My...
Being grateful…

Being grateful…

It has been a whirl wind of creating and juggling life, including the start of the holiday season and the start to the barrage of birthday celebrations in my family that is also a part of this time of year. Honestly, it’s all good! I am beyond grateful for...
Panning for Creative Gold

Panning for Creative Gold

The last couple of weeks have been frenzied and mostly devoted to family. My creavity has been feeling in short supply. My thoughts are like little puffs of smoke dissolving before my eyes. As much as I try to grab the moments, they slip through my fingers and are...