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Here and now. . .

Here and now. . .

There have been a lot of Here and Now moments, snap shots and snippets and much less words.  There has been a lot of being, being present and seeing. There has been porch sitting, a cat at my feet and morning light strong on my face. There has been a tender...
Migration and memories

Migration and memories

  The birds, Starlings, I believe, came this morning and my heart sang! There is something just so special about it for me. I was sitting in bed when I heard them, hundreds of blacks birds. I peeked out the window and saw them wooshing over our house. Their loud...
Confessions of a Perfectionist

Confessions of a Perfectionist

I am guilty as charged. I courageously stand up and say yes I am a perfectionist soon to be a recovering perfectionist.  I’ve come to realize what a hindrance it is for me and how it is blocking me from really appreciating the true beauty of many...