I love having tea! {This may not be big news for some of you know me well.} Whether in a formal or casual setting for a few or just alone with a nice warm mug and special plate of something. I truly enjoy the ritual of tea. Taking time to stop and enjoy what I have in front of me, savor the beauty of the place I am in, and the myriad of flavors swirling around in my mouth as I sip and take small bites. The experience gives me a space to breathe. Having tea slows time and it gives me permission to be in the present moment more than other moments. {I think that’s one of the reasons I particularly love it so much!} It’s a time when you can give full attention to another or yourself. Good and meaningful conversation always happens around tea. It’s a wonderful sacred space to share with a friend, catch up on life, tell stories and laugh.
So in the tradition of a wonderful sacred tea for two I would
like to share with you a little story.

Over a year ago I made a trip to San Francisco where I met a wonderful new friend, Lalitha. Our husbands at that time both worked at the same company and through their conversations soon discovered that we were both artists, potters and moms. After hearing about each other and sharing photographs of our work online. We finally got a chance to meet in person during one of the many business trips my husband would make to his California office.
Right away we hit it off. We spent the day visiting. She took me to see her studio to show me her most recent work. I loved it! It was so inspiring! I also got to meet her precious son. We went to the farmers market and the Heath Ceramics store. We ate, talked and laughed. We completely understood where the other was coming from, the trials and tribulations of motherhood and pottery, the life of artists and the balancing act that you must always play. We ended our day at the beach during sunset drinking hot chocolate and enjoying ocean views.
From that one visit our friendship bloomed. Over
time we have talked about figuring a way for us to do some kind of a project together. I’ve always dreamed of doing a collaboration but it has never come to fruition. When I mentioned it to Lalitha, she really liked the idea of doing some kind of a collaboration. She agreed that it would be a refreshing way to the embrace our creativity and we have been talking about it for a while now. A few weeks ago, we both decided it was time to get serious and we are jumping in! We aren’t sure where it’s all going yet but we are beginning here and now and want to share it all with you. One girl from the East Coast and one girl from the West Coast – both mothers, potters, and artists coming together to create a collabrative project.

We are calling it Tea from Two! From time to time you may find the story of Tea from Two popping up in this space and I encourage you to comment and share your stories about tea here as well. I hope you will enjoy following us on our journey as well as my other continued musings on my life here as an artist and mother.