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Heart stories . . .

Heart stories . . .

My heart is telling me stories today. I am listening closely. I sit in a nice patch of sun on my porch wrapped in a woolly blanket as I write this. I have a warm cup of tea beside me and a kitty companion under the chair close by. I hear the chirping of the birds in...
And I made a big cup. . .

And I made a big cup. . .

…and I made a big cup. It was a big cup of tea and I thought, and thought. I collected these thoughts and put them there in the cup with the tea, my thoughts floating on top. Swirling words of encouragement, love and gifts. Gifts of beauty, inspiration and love....
Dear February

Dear February

Dear February, I can’t believe you’re here already with your cold and sparkly days. Cascading your hearts all around us, in windows, doors, hallways, and shelves. You are the month of love and being the great month of love, you have always inspired...
Out with the old and in with….

Out with the old and in with….

Life is nothing if not surprising! Today I awoke and knew,  the crisp wind and the russeling leaves told me it was time. Back in mid September I attended a Squam Art Retreat, and I had a premonition before I left that once I returned home and had...
We’ve moved…NOT!

We’ve moved…NOT!

This past year we had a bumpy time. To start with, we almost moved to California for mister’s job. That really put the kibosh on my work in the studio. Moving a bunch of new ceramic work across the country just didn’t make sense. Once that was put to bed...