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Tender hearted thoughts

Tender hearted thoughts

So I been dancing around so very much in these last couple of months, mostly all good things but some very hard. Sometimes it takes me a while to share here. Most of the time my writing comes in very small fragments. If I don’t pay attention, I end up realizing...
Being grateful…

Being grateful…

It has been a whirl wind of creating and juggling life, including the start of the holiday season and the start to the barrage of birthday celebrations in my family that is also a part of this time of year. Honestly, it’s all good! I am beyond grateful for...
Did anyone tell you?

Did anyone tell you?

Did anyone tell you? Did anyone tell you that it ebbs and flows, it changes, it grows, it can be colorful or it can be gray. Did anyone tell you? It’s the tiny moments that count. This is where your life actually is… Happening. Magic is there. In the...
Migration and memories

Migration and memories

  The birds, Starlings, I believe, came this morning and my heart sang! There is something just so special about it for me. I was sitting in bed when I heard them, hundreds of blacks birds. I peeked out the window and saw them wooshing over our house. Their loud...